Iodine Insufficiency
Facts worth knowing
Widespread iodine insufficiency has been identified, and is of concern, worldwide (1). For years, more than half the European population has had an insufficient daily intake (2). Yet European native wild harvested seaweeds are rich food sources of well documented, bioavailable iodine (3), and iodine is one of the least available minerals in our agricultural soils ( 4).
For 25 years Seagreens® has been providing independently certified nutrition supplements for iodine deficiency, and pure seaweed ingredients to manufacturing customers in many countries.
Leading UK brands like Cytoplan, G&G, Pukka, Napiers, and Viridian Nutrition; and Tisso Naturproduckte in Germany, Natural Point in Italy, and Bioteekki in Finland also produce good quality supplements containing
Seagreens® BDA certified nutritious food, seaweed. Seagreens® range of products and ingredients provide a complete natural source of dietary micro nutrients and minerals including iodine.