Extraordinary Berries Blast’s Fat!

Berries to Blast Fat by Dulwich Health

Did you know you can loose up to 3st in a year with ‘berries that mimic the effects of exercise”?

Recent revelations from studies conducted by academics at the University of Chichester shed light on the promising effects of New Zealand blackcurrant extract in facilitating weight loss efforts.

“Adults can say goodbye to excess weight without even getting the trainers on…if you’re trying to increase all your healthy habits and using diet and exercise to lose weight, (New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract) can be a significant tool for those seeking fat loss, without doing anything extra. We can seriously start to think that a blackcurrant extract is a very useful supplement for bodyweight management, when used with exercise and a restricted diet(1) – Mark Willems, ME. 

Understanding the Research

New research has unearthed compelling evidence that daily consumption of blackcurrant extract may significantly boost fat burning. This extract, sourced from New Zealand blackcurrants, has demonstrated the remarkable ability to amplify fat burning rates by up to 60% while the body is at rest (1). The study involved 16 healthy and physically active males who took 600mg of the berry extract for 14 days. The average fat-burning increase was 21%, with one individual experiencing a 61% increase. Professor Mark Willems, specializing in exercise physiology at the University of Chichester, highlighted that adults could potentially lose over three stone (42 pounds) of fat over a year without any extra physical effort.(1)

BlackCurrant CurraNZ Study Fat Loss

(2) Relationship between habitual anthocyanin intake (A) and fat oxidation at rest (B) and the changes in fat oxidation (∆ FAO) by 30 min of moderate-intensity treadmill walking with intake of New Zealand blackcurrant (NZBC) extract. The ∆ FAO is the fat oxidation with intake of New Zealand blackcurrant extract minus the fat oxidation with intake of placebo. The habitual anthocyanin intake did not include the anthocyanin intake by New Zealand blackcurrant extract. The dotted lines are the linear regression lines.

The consumption of New Zealand blackcurrant extract led to an average increase in fat burning rates, suggesting that the extract holds immense promise in enhancing metabolic processes, potentially aiding in weight loss goals.

Professor Mark Willems, the lead researcher from the University of Chichester, lauded these findings as “extraordinary.” The high levels of anthocyanins in New Zealand blackcurrants emerged as a critical factor contributing to the observed benefits. These potent antioxidants not only stimulate fat burning but also augment blood flow, thereby presenting a holistic approach to weight management.

The implications of these findings extend far beyond conventional weight loss approaches. The ability of blackcurrant extract to mimic the effects of exercise without necessitating high-intensity workouts presents a paradigm shift in the realm of fitness and wellness. However, it’s essential to approach this potential solution with a balanced perspective, recognizing that individual responses may vary.

Practical Application

One of the most compelling aspects of this discovery lies in its practicality. Incorporating blackcurrant extract into daily routines could yield substantial improvements in fat burning during everyday activities. Professor Willems emphasized that these benefits are not confined to strenuous workouts but can be experienced during routine tasks like walking, gardening, or household chores; offering hope to individuals seeking weight management solutions that align with their daily lives.

CurraNZ New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract 300mg

In seeking a potent source of blackcurrant extract, CurraNZ stands out as a leading solution. This premium supplement offers a concentrated dose of New Zealand blackcurrants, packed with anthocyanins, and supported by scientific research. Trusted by many for its purity and efficacy, CurraNZ provides a convenient way to harness the benefits of blackcurrants for weight management. Incorporating this supplement into a balanced routine of exercise and a healthy diet could potentially amplify the path toward achieving weight loss goals naturally and effectively. With its endorsement by the University of Chichester study, CurraNZ emerges as a promising addition to a holistic approach to weight loss.

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(1) Willems, M.E.T. et al. (2022) Enhanced walking-induced fat oxidation by New Zealand blackcurrant extract is body composition-dependent in recreationally active adult females, Nutrients. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9002771/ (Accessed: 27 November 2023).

(2)Institute of Sport, Nursing and Allied Health, College Lane, University of Chichester, Chichester PO19 6PE, UK; [email protected] (M.B.); ku.oc.liamtoh@neddaceisor (R.C.); [email protected] (L.B.)